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Winner - 2nd Place Non-Fiction, 2020 Faith and Fellowship Book Festival


** Ed Hyland was my Dean of Students and the first person I shared my secret with, 15 years after the childhood rape. In memorey of Ed, the book is on sale through 11/12/2024. **


Life hurts, and layers of hurt leave us feeling beyond help. Yet, the human spirit won't let us quit. So how do we navigate the distance between hurt and healing?


In "This Much I Know...The Space Between," Sue Bowles shares her pursuit of healing from childhood sexual abuse and other traumas resulting in an eating disorder, constantly struggling to answer the question "Why?"


"When we're talking about our stories, the space between is that gap, that time of questioning and anger and confusion and doubt and...whatever else you can think of. It's the gray area of uncertainty, of wondering what the point is."


Do you believe you are too far gone for anyone - even God - to be able to make a difference? Do you wonder if your life will ever matter? Find hope in the space between.

This Much I Know...The Space Between - ON SALE IN MEMORY OF ED HYLAND

$10.00 Regular Price
$7.50Sale Price
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